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Culture Stats Every Leader Should Know This Year

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Here’s a compilation of greatest hits from 2019 culture stats gathered from dozens of various studies and sources. These are the numbers you’ve been looking for to prove culture isn’t just another fluffy concept that means you should start subsidizing almond milk lattes for employees.

A healthy culture with intentional behaviors, beliefs, and values is proven to bring: greater profit, more fulfillment, higher empowerment, less stress, stronger retention, and more confidence to employees.

Here are some of the most compelling statistics we discovered:

  • Highly engaged teams and individuals who felt included in the team were 21% more profitable than their peers. (source: Gallup)

  • Employees who feel their voice is being heard are 4.6x more likely to feel empowered than their co-workers. (source: Salesforce)

  • 31% of employees experience extremely high levels of stress at work. (source: Career Builder)

  • 35% of Americans say they would pass on their Dream Job if they didn’t feel is was a good culture fit. (source: Build It)

  • 90% of employees at “winning companies” feel confident in their company’s leadership. (source: CultureIQ)

  • Only 12% of executives believe their teams are driving toward the “right” culture (source: Deloitte)

  • Over 72% of executives report that they don’t understand their organization’s culture. They know it’s important, but don’t understand it. (source: Deloitte)

Do you know what type of culture you have today? Do you know what culture you want to create? Do you know how to get there? Every leader should be able to answer these questions.

Can you?