Part 1: How can I create culture at home?
The principles of creating culture are the same no matter where you apply them. Meaning, you can create culture in the workplace or you can create culture in your household. The only prerequisite is people.
If you have a critical mass, culture can be built. A critical mass in the workplace is not a majority, but it does start with at least a couple people. Like most revivals and rebellions throughout history, it was usually the passion of a visionary that was contagious and caught on with the first follower that led to the large-scale revival or rebellion – there are your two people. This is also how culture is built.
When it comes to creating culture at home, start with a vision of what you want to create. It can be anything you’d like to see come to pass in your family that is not currently happening – better communication, greater generosity, thoughtfulness, kindness, etc. Keep in mind the larger the gap between where you want to go and where you are, the larger to cost. Everything comes at a cost, and the cost of closing this gap comes in the form of time, energy, and mental fortitude.
Let’s use better communication as an example. As a parent, you’d simply like to see your family talking more. You’re frustrated with the lack of interpersonal interaction, because social media seems like a greater priority than people.
This is where you’ll have to decide if you’re willing to pay the necessary toll to get where you want to go.
Continued in Part 2: How can I create culture at home?