Why We Don't Even Recognize Gratitude
Gratitude is surprisingly absent from our day-to-day lives. This is why we’re caught off guard when we meet somebody who expresses gratitude. We don’t even know how to describe those people. We end up saying something like, “They are so nice,” which isn’t even accurate. Gratitude is generally so unfamiliar to us that we even mislabel it.
One of the best teachings I’ve ever heard on the subject was from my pastor at Elevation Church. He preached, “Gratitude is never silent,” and it’s stuck with me for more than a decade. People have a lot of grateful thoughts, but very few of those thoughts ever get expressed verbally—or any other way, for that matter. The gratitude within them, unfortunately, remains silent.
Take a moment and ask yourself, “How often do I actually express my gratitude?”
When you do encounter someone who is vocal and active about expressing their gratitude, they’re hard to forget. Grateful people are not the primary catalysts for cultural change. But, they certainly expedite the process by creating a more fertile environment for culture to grow.
For more on the power of gratitude, watch this short shareable video or visit youlittlejerk.com